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SCP Company Detail
State Contracting Portal Company Detail

Company Name DBA Address 1 Address 2 City, State, ZIP Code Product Scan-Optics, LLC 169 Progress Drive Manchester CT 06042-2242 Business Type Web Address Limited Liability Company

Company Contacts
Contact NameAddressPhone/FAXEmail
Denise Boutin169 Progress Drive
Manchester, CT 06042-2242
Phone: 860-533-4402
Glenn Strange169 Progress Drive
Manchester, CT 06042-2242
Phone: 860-533-4454
Israel Ordonez Jr169 Progress Drive
Manchester, CT 06042-2242
Phone: 860-533-4396
Jeff Mitchell169 Progress Drive
Manchester, CT 06042-2242
Phone: 860-533-4329
John Yates169 Progress Drive
Manchester, CT 06042-2242
Phone: 860-533-4303
Melissa Gustavson169 Progress Drive
Manchester, CT 06042-2242
Phone: 860-533-4386
Tom Revall169 Progress Drive
Manchester, CT 06042
Phone: 860-533-4452

Current Active Contracts
Contract DatesContract NumberDescription
Start Date: 01/01/2020
End Date: 12/31/2024
19PSX0006Document Imaging Services (copy, scan, data entry, OCR, binding, etc.)

Company Selected Industry Codes
ClassClass DescriptionSubClass Description (SubClass)
0071Office Machines and Equipment and related accessoriesOffice Copiers and Duplicating Machines and Accessories and Supplies (042)
Office Copiers and Duplicating Machines and Accessories, Repair/Maint./Inspect. Of (242)
Micorgraphic Equipment, Accessories, Repai/Maintenance/Inspection of (248)
Desktop Scanners (293)
0077Photographic Equip. & Supplies Graphic Arts Offset Printing/Imaging Supplies, and related AccessoiresCameras, Camera Parts and Accessories (010)
Photographic Supplies (Chemicals, Film, and Paper) (020)
Photographic Darkroom Apparatus (030)
Graphic Arts and Offset Printing/Imaging Supplies (040)
Projection Equip. Apparatus and Accessories (080)
Cameras, Camera Parts and Accessories, Repair/Maint./Inspect. of (210)
Photographic Darkroom Apparatus, Repair/Maint./Inspect. of (230)
Projection Equip. Apparatus and Accessories, Repair/Maint./Inspect. of (280)
Film Processing/Developing (320)
0600Services (Professional, Support, Consulting and Misc. Services)Consulting Services (Not Computer Related) (010)
Desktop Publishing, scanning, indexing, imaging, digitization, digitizing (014)
Research and Development Services (042)
5018Computer HardwareInput/Output Retrieval Systems (520)
Optical Character Readers (OCR's) (630)
Bar code Scanners (760)
5020Computer Software, Packages, all TypesModified off the shelf software, (MOTS) (030)
Commercial off the shelf software, (COTS) (040)
Image Processing Software (380)

Company Affiliates
Affiliate NameDescription
No Affiliate records found.

Supplier Diversity Certificate History
Expiration DateCertificate TypeWomanDisabledClass Description
No History records found.
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