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SCP Company Detail
State Contracting Portal Company Detail

Company Name DBA Address 1 Address 2 City, State, ZIP Code Product 568Systems, Inc. 77 Old Brickyard Lane PO Box 8036 Berlin CT 06037 Business Type Web Address Corporation

Company Contacts
Contact NameAddressPhone/FAXEmail
Janice W. Chasse77 Old Brickyard Lane
PO Box 8036
Berlin, CT 06037
Phone: 860-829-5680
FAX: 860-829-1799
Michael Lane77 Old Brickyard Lane
PO Box 8036
Berlin, CT 06037
Phone: (860) 829-5680
FAX: (860) 829-1799

Current Active Contracts
Contract DatesContract NumberDescription
No current contracts found.

Company Selected Industry Codes
ClassClass DescriptionSubClass Description (SubClass)
0017Communication, Signal, and Alarm Equipment, Accessories & SuppliesAnti-Intrusion Alarm Equip. (016)
Video Surveillance Products (031)
Public Address Equip. (040)
Sound Detecting and Analyzing Equip. (072)
Telephone Equip. (D.O.I.T.) (096)
0025Electrical Apparatus and Supplies, Purchase and Maintenance ofConduit and Conduit Fittings (016)
Wire and Cable: Electric (080)
5018Computer HardwareElectrical Devices, Computer Related (mci. Cables, Jacks, Surge Protectors) (110)
Fiber Optics Components/Cable Systems (430)
Networking (530)
Computer Systems (840)
5022Information Technology ServicesComputer Consulting (760)
6000Computer TelecommunicationsConsulting Services (not specified elsewhere) (400)
Information Technology Services (860)
7000Telephone and Radio EquipmentWireless Services (010)
Telephone Equipment (960)

Company Affiliates
Affiliate NameDescription
No Affiliate records found.

Supplier Diversity Certificate History
Expiration DateCertificate TypeWomanDisabledClass Description
Apr 24, 2007 - Apr 24, 2009SBE   
May 29, 2002 - Dec 31, 2003SBE   
Jul 1, 2004 - Dec 31, 2005SBE   
Jun 19, 2009 - Jun 19, 2011SBE   
Jun 20, 2011 - Jun 20, 2013SBE   
Jun 21, 2013 - Jun 21, 2015SBE   
Jun 22, 2015 - Jun 22, 2017SBE   
Jun 23, 2017 - Jun 23, 2019SBE   
Jun 24, 2019 - Jun 24, 2021SBE   
Aug 6, 2021 - Aug 6, 2023SBE   
Aug 7, 2023 - Feb 7, 2024SBE   
Feb 8, 2024 - Feb 8, 2026SBE   
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