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SCP Company Detail
State Contracting Portal Company Detail

Company Name DBA Address 1 Address 2 City, State, ZIP Code Product 2nd Chance Planet, Inc. Value Office Furniture & Equipment 22 Andover Drive Unit A West Hartford CT 06110 Business Type Web Address Corporation

Company Contacts
Contact NameAddressPhone/FAXEmail
Gregory Spear22 Andover Drive
Unit A
West Hartford, CT 06110
Phone: (860) 570-1390
Ext: 22 And
FAX: Gregory Spear

Current Active Contracts
Contract DatesContract NumberDescription
No current contracts found.

Company Selected Industry Codes
ClassClass DescriptionSubClass Description (SubClass)
0018Computer Peripherals/Supplies,Computer Peripherals/Supplies (015)
0037Furniture and Furnishing, Purchase, Rental, and Maint. of (Office Furniture See Class 72)Furniture: Lounge (011)
Furniture: Industrial and Shop (032)
Furniture: School (042)
Miscellaneous Furnishing and Accessories (060)
Shelving, Partitions, and Lockers (072)
Public Seating Equip. (076)
Furniture: Lounge, Rental/Lease of (111)
0071Office Machines and Equipment and related accessoriesOffice Copiers and Duplicating Machines and Accessories and Supplies (042)
Miscellaneous Office Equip. (060)
Purchase of Facsimile Machines and Supplies (091)
Printers, Desktop, Dot Matrix, Laser, Color (For other than those listed register for class 5000) (092)
Desktop Scanners (293)
0072Furniture and related accessoriesGeneral Office Furniture, Metal (desks, file cabinet, latteral files, vertical files, book case, book cases, storage cabinet) (046)
Purchase of Open Panel Systems and Systems Furniture (to include installation/reconfiguration) (048)
General Office Furniture, Wood (054)
Ergonomic Seating, chairs, 24 hour chairs, task intensive chairs, desk chair (055)
Technical Furniture (Computer/LAN and accessories) (060)
General Office Furniture, Metal, Rental/Lease of (146)
General Office Furniture, Wood, Rental/Lease of (154)
General Office Furniture, Metal, Repair/Maint./Inspect. Of (246)
General Office Furniture, Wood, Repair/Maint./Inspect. Of (254)
Furniture Refinishing (256)
Custom Furniture Manufacture Services (302)
5018Computer HardwareComputers, Tablet (020)
Computers, Personal Computer (030)
Computers, Laptop Computer (035)
Computer Servers (045)
Networking (530)

Company Affiliates
Affiliate NameDescription
No Affiliate records found.

Supplier Diversity Certificate History
Expiration DateCertificate TypeWomanDisabledClass Description
No History records found.
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