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SCP Company Detail
State Contracting Portal Company Detail

Company Name DBA Address 1 Address 2 City, State, ZIP Code Product 4Brothers Carpentry&Landscaping, llc. 31 Gillette St. suite#402 Hartford CT 06105 Business Type Web Address Limited Liability Company

Company Contacts
Contact NameAddressPhone/FAXEmail
Julian Alleyne31 Gillette St. suite#402
Hartford, CT 06105
Phone: 860-595-2144

Current Active Contracts
Contract DatesContract NumberDescription
No current contracts found.

Company Selected Industry Codes
ClassClass DescriptionSubClass Description (SubClass)
0038Domestics, Floor and Window Treatments, Purchase, Purchase and Install, Rental or Cleaning ofCarpets, Rugs, and Other Floor Coverings (002)
0040Building or Roadway Constr. and Related Svs Contractor Provided (Also see 0600)Carpenter’s Services (029)
Landscape Architecture and Design Work (033)
Maintenance Services (General) (034)
0043Hardware, BuildersBraces and Brackets (020)
Door Hardware (040)
Handles and Knobs (050)
Hooks (070)
Locks and Latches (080)
Window, Transom and Window Screen Hardware (090)
0045Hardware, GeneralFencing, Wire Gates: Screen Wire (030)
Fireplace Fixtures (040)
Chain Link Fence, Repair of (081)
0073Paints and Related ProductsEnamels (012)
Lacquers (018)
Paints, Exterior, Interior (042)
Wallpaper (066)
Spray Paint (070)
0074Home ModificationsAccess Construction to include Personal Lifts (002)
Building, Home, Office Remodling and Additions (003)
0142On-Call Consultant ServicesOn-Call Consultant Services (001)
0146Construction, Design-BuildRFQ (001)
0148Vendor QualificationVendor Qualification (001)
0401Grounds Maintenance, Landscaping, Snow Removal, Marine, and Related Maintenance ServicesInterior Plantings and Maintenance Services (001)
Lawn Care, Landscaping, and Snow and Ice Removal Services (002)
0600Services (Professional, Support, Consulting and Misc. Services)Interior Design (054)
0801Custodial ServicesCustodial/Janitorial Services may include Window Washing (001)

Company Affiliates
Affiliate NameDescription
No Affiliate records found.

Supplier Diversity Certificate History
Expiration DateCertificate TypeWomanDisabledClass Description
No History records found.
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