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SCP Company Detail
State Contracting Portal Company Detail

Company Name DBA Address 1 Address 2 City, State, ZIP Code Product 22nd Century Technologies Inc. 220 Davidson Avenue Suite 118 Soemset NJ 08873 Business Type Web Address Corporation

Company Contacts
Contact NameAddressPhone/FAXEmail
Shikha Sharma220 Davidson Avenue
Suite 118
Somerset, NJ 08873
Phone: (908) 765-0003
Ext: 359

Current Active Contracts
Contract DatesContract NumberDescription
No current contracts found.

Company Selected Industry Codes
ClassClass DescriptionSubClass Description (SubClass)
0142On-Call Consultant ServicesOn-Call Consultant Services (001)
0600Services (Professional, Support, Consulting and Misc. Services)Clerical Services (008)
Consulting Services (Not Computer Related) (010)
Web Design (011)
Mobile Application Development (013)
Research and Development Services (042)
Temporary/Permanent Employment Staffing Services (044)
Interior Design (054)
5022Information Technology ServicesComputer Software Development and related services (750)
Computer Consulting (760)
Computer Training (780)

Company Affiliates
Affiliate NameDescription
No Affiliate records found.

Supplier Diversity Certificate History
Expiration DateCertificate TypeWomanDisabledClass Description
No History records found.
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