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SCP Company Detail
State Contracting Portal Company Detail

Company Name DBA Address 1 Address 2 City, State, ZIP Code Product 3333LLC DBA Kaplan Tarps 42 Hilliard st Manchester CT 06042 Business Type Web Address Corporation

Company Contacts
Contact NameAddressPhone/FAXEmail
Nick Repay42 Hilliard st
Manchester, CT 06042
Phone: 860 643 1384
Trish Jenkins

Current Active Contracts
Contract DatesContract NumberDescription
No current contracts found.

Company Selected Industry Codes
ClassClass DescriptionSubClass Description (SubClass)
0001Agricultural and Farm Machinery and Equipment and SuppliesMiscellaneous Farm Equip. and Supplies (060)
Miscellaneous Farm Equip. and Supplies (160)
Farm Vehicles and Trailers, Repair/Maint./Inspect. Of (224)
Miscellaneous Farm Equip. and Supplies, Repair/Maint./Inspect. of (260)
0005Athletic & Recreational Equip. and SuppliesSwimming, Swimming Pool, and Diving Equip. and Supplies (058)
Athletic & Recreational Equip. from sub class 002 thru 070, All Inclusive (080)
Athletic & Recational Equip. & Supplies, Repair/Maint./Inspect. of (200)
0049Industrial, Shop and Material Handling Equip., Purchase, Rental, and Maintenance OfWaste Disposal Equip., Dumpsters, Incinerators (047)
Blocks and Rigging, Repair/Maint./Inspect. Of (208)
Hoisting, Excavating Construction Equip. & Supplies, Repair/Maint./Inspect. Of (252)
0051Industrial SuppliesChain and Chain Fittings (020)
0063Miscellaneous Equipment, Products and Supplies., Purchase, Rental, and Maintenance ofOther Miscelleanous Equipment, purchase, rental or lease (090)
0065Motor Vehicles & Other Transportation Equipment, Boats, Supplies, Accessories and Related ServicesMiscellaneou Related Equipment and Accessories and Services (090)
Trailers, Truck, Repair/Maint./Inspect. Of (280)
Trailers, Truck, Modifications to (380)
0089Special Industries Equipment, Supplies and AccessoriesTextile Machinery and Equip. (080)
Textile Machinery and Equip., Repair/Maint./Inspect. Of (280)
0091Textiles, Domestic & NotionsFlags, Pennants and Banners (022)
Tarpaulins: Nylon, Vinyl and Canvas (049)

Company Affiliates
Affiliate NameDescription
No Affiliate records found.

Supplier Diversity Certificate History
Expiration DateCertificate TypeWomanDisabledClass Description
No History records found.
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