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SCP Company Detail
State Contracting Portal Company Detail

Company Name DBA Address 1 Address 2 City, State, ZIP Code Product Fire Alarm Specialty Design, LLC 415 Boston Post Road North Windham CT 06256 Business Type Web Address Limited Liability Company

Company Contacts
Contact NameAddressPhone/FAXEmail
Dennis Barstow415 Boston Post Road
North Windham, CT 06256
Phone: 860-786-1849
Ext: 1010
Scott Duplisea415 Boston Post Road
North Windham, CT 06256
Phone: 860-786-1849

Current Active Contracts
Contract DatesContract NumberDescription
No current contracts found.

Company Selected Industry Codes
ClassClass DescriptionSubClass Description (SubClass)
0017Communication, Signal, and Alarm Equipment, Accessories & SuppliesAnnunciater and Call Signal Equipment, Accessories and Supplies (008)
Anti-Intrusion Alarm Equip. (016)
Video Surveillance Products (031)
Fire Alarm Equip. including Smoke Alarms, Heat Sensors and Fire Protection Systems (032)
Public Address Equip. (040)
Electronic Parts, Miscellaneous (066)
Annunciator and Call Signal Equip., Rental/Lease of (108)
Anti-Intrusion Alarm Equip., Rental/Lease of (116)
Rental or Lease of Video Surveillance Products (131)
Fire Alarm Equip. including Smoke Alarms and Heat Sensors, Fire Protection Systems - Rental/Lease of (132)
Public Address Equip., Rental/Lease of (140)
Annunciator and Call Signal Equip.,Repair/Maint./Inspect. of (208)
Anti-Intrusion Alarm Equip., Repair/Maint./Inspect. of (216)
Repair, Maintenance, Inspection of Video Surveillance Products (231)
Fire Alarm Equip. including Smoke Alarms and Heat Sensors, Fire Protection Systems - Repair/Maint./Inspect. Of (232)
Public Address Equip., Repair/Maint./Inspect. of (240)
Monitoring of Anti-Intrusion Alarm Equip. (316)
0025Electrical Apparatus and Supplies, Purchase and Maintenance ofBatteries (except Automotive and Aircraft Class 0065-018 See Celeste Cashman) (004)
Buzzers, Chimes, and Gongs (008)
Conduit and Conduit Fittings (016)
Fuses and Fuse Blocks (032)
Lamp Bulbs and Tubes (044)
Lighting Fixtures, Ballasts and Accessories (048)
Meters: Volt, Watt, Ampere (052)
Miscellaneous Electrical Supplies and Equip. (056)
Sockets, Switches and Plugs (072)
Wire and Cable: Electric (080)
Batteries(except Automotive and Aircraft Class 0065), Repair/Maint./Inspect. of (204)
0081Police, Fire Fighting, Safety, Emergency, Arms, Homeland Security and Disaster Equipment, Supplies and AccessoriesFire Extinguishers, Parts and Refills (024)
Identification Supplies (044)
Miscellaneous Fire-Fighting Equip. and Supplies (048)
Repair/Maint./Inspection of Fire Extinguishers, Parts & Refills (224)

Company Affiliates
Affiliate NameDescription
No Affiliate records found.

Supplier Diversity Certificate History
Expiration DateCertificate TypeWomanDisabledClass Description
Mar 2, 2011 - Mar 2, 2012SBE   
Mar 28, 2012 - Mar 28, 2014SBE   
May 30, 2014 - May 30, 2016SBE   
Jan 5, 2017 - Jan 5, 2019SBE   
Jan 6, 2019 - Jan 6, 2021SBE   
Jan 7, 2021 - Jan 7, 2023SBE   
Jan 8, 2023 - Jul 8, 2023SBE   
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