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SCP Company Detail
State Contracting Portal Company Detail

Company Name DBA Address 1 Address 2 City, State, ZIP Code Product Suburban Stationers, Inc. 693 High Street Middletown CT 06457 Business Type Web Address Corporation

Company Contacts
Contact NameAddressPhone/FAXEmail
Robert Shulman693 High St
Middletown, CT 06457
Phone: 860-347-0299
FAX: 860-347-5051

Current Active Contracts
Contract DatesContract NumberDescription
Start Date: 01/01/2019
End Date: 12/31/2024
18PSX0032Office Supplies, Toner and Cut Sheet Paper

Company Selected Industry Codes
ClassClass DescriptionSubClass Description (SubClass)
0005Athletic & Recreational Equip. and SuppliesGames and Toys (non-athletic) (040)
0007Badges, Medals, Tags, Signs, Promotional Items & Related ProductsBadges, Pins (010)
General Purpose Signs and Plaques, Awards (020)
0016Audio Visual Equipment and Accessories and SuppliesAudio Visual Equipment (001)
0018Computer Peripherals/Supplies,Computer Peripherals/Supplies (015)
Floppy Diskettes (024)
Data Processing Disk Packs and Disk Cartridges (025)
Data Processing Tapes, Tape Cartridges (027)
0021Drafting and Engineering Equip. and Supplies, Purchase, Rental, and Maint. OfDrafting Equip., Instruments, Machines and Furniture (010)
Drafting Tools, Accessories and Supplies and Chemicals (020)
Drafting: Papers, Cloths and Forms, Blank and Preprinted (030)
0025Electrical Apparatus and Supplies, Purchase and Maintenance ofBatteries (except Automotive and Aircraft Class 0065-018 See Celeste Cashman) (004)
Fans: Household and Commercial (024)
Flashlights and Lanterns (028)
0037Furniture and Furnishing, Purchase, Rental, and Maint. of (Office Furniture See Class 72)Furniture: Lounge (011)
Furniture: School (042)
Miscellaneous Furnishing and Accessories (060)
Shelving, Partitions, and Lockers (072)
0063Miscellaneous Equipment, Products and Supplies., Purchase, Rental, and Maintenance ofLuggage, Briefcases, Portfolios and Foot Lockers (040)
0069Office, Educational and Library SuppliesBinders and Binder Covers (006)
Carbon Paper and Copy Film (010)
Desk Trays and Wastebaskets (012)
Drawing and Art Supplies (014)
Erasers and Eradicators (018)
Filing Devices (except for folders and guides) (020)
Filing Folders (022)
Guides, Indexes and Inserts (024)
Index Cards (026)
Inks (028)
Labels and Tags, Office (030)
Maps, Charts, and Globes (034)
Miscellaneous Office Supplies (036)
Notebooks, Pads, and Tablets (038)
Paper: Adding Machine and Other Office Machines (040)
Paper, Fasteners and Fastening Devices (042)
Paste, Mucilage and Cement (044)
Pencil Sharpeners (046)
Pencils, Lead (048)
Pens, Pensets, Penholders, Refills and Markers (050)
Ribbons: Office Machine: Computer Printers (052)
Rubber Bands (054)
Rubber Stamps and Daters: Stamp Pads (056)
Ruled Forms (058)
Tape and Tape Dispensers (066)
0071Office Machines and Equipment and related accessoriesCalculators (030)
Dictating Machines Equip. and Supplies (036)
Typewriters and Accessories (090)
0072Furniture and related accessoriesGeneral Office Furniture, Metal (desks, file cabinet, latteral files, vertical files, book case, book cases, storage cabinet) (046)
Purchase of Open Panel Systems and Systems Furniture (to include installation/reconfiguration) (048)
General Office Furniture, Wood (054)
Ergonomic Seating, chairs, 24 hour chairs, task intensive chairs, desk chair (055)
Technical Furniture (Computer/LAN and accessories) (060)
General Office Furniture, Metal, Rental/Lease of (146)
General Office Furniture, Wood, Rental/Lease of (154)
0075Paper and Paper ProductsBoxes and Cartons: Paper (016)
Envelopes (032)
Computer Paper and Tabulating Cards (048)
Printing and Writing Paper (064)
0083Printing and Related ServicesForms, Flat (State Approved) (030)
Forms, Carbon and Carbonless Interleaved, Sets and Snap-outs (State Approved) (036)
Letterheads (State Approved) (050)
Miscellaneous Printed Matter: Business Cards, Tickets, etc. (060)

Company Affiliates
Affiliate NameDescription
No Affiliate records found.

Supplier Diversity Certificate History
Expiration DateCertificate TypeWomanDisabledClass Description
Apr 10, 2006 - Mar 30, 2007SBE   
Feb 20, 2003 - Dec 31, 2004SBE   
Feb 1, 2005 - Dec 31, 2005SBE   
Feb 19, 1999 - Dec 31, 1999SBE   
Mar 19, 2002 - Dec 31, 2002SBE   
Mar 8, 2001 - Dec 31, 2001SBE   
Feb 28, 2000 - Dec 31, 2000SBE   
Oct 25, 1996 - Aug 31, 1998SBE   
Oct 1, 1998 - Dec 31, 1998SBE   
Mar 31, 2007 - Mar 30, 2008SBE   
Mar 31, 2008 - Mar 12, 2010SBE   
Mar 13, 2010 - Mar 13, 2012SBE   
Mar 14, 2012 - Mar 14, 2014SBE   
Mar 25, 2014 - Mar 25, 2016SBE   
Mar 26, 2016 - Mar 26, 2018SBE   
Mar 27, 2018 - Mar 27, 2020SBE   
Mar 28, 2020 - Mar 28, 2022SBE   
Mar 29, 2022 - Mar 29, 2024SBE   
Mar 30, 2024 - Mar 30, 2026SBE   
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