Administrative Services, Construction Services |
Contract Detail Info For #
Award Date | Start Date | End Date |
02/09/2023 | 05/08/2023 | 09/30/2025 |
On-Call Construction Administrator Minor |
Solicitation and Contract Conditions
Includes SBE/MBE Requirements | Qualified Partnership | DBE | Political Subdivisions | Agencies | CT Recovery |
No | No | No | No | No | No |
Contact | Telephone | FAX | E-Mail |
CraigRussell | (860) 713-5740 | | craig.russell@ct.gov |
Common Documents
5 Vendor(s)
Contract # | Cert | Vendor | Contact | Catalog |
OC-DCS-CAm-0016 Start: 05/08/2023 End: 09/30/2025 | MBE | 7 Summits Construction, LLC 36 John Street Hartford, CT 06106 Peoplesoft ID: | Rohan A. Freeman Phone: (860) 756-5577 E-Mail | No |
OC-DCS-CAm-0015 Start: 05/08/2023 End: 09/30/2025 | No | Bismark Construction Company, Inc. 100 Bridgeport Avenue Milford, CT 06460 Peoplesoft ID: | Gregory M. Raucci Phone: (203) 876-8331 FAX: (203) 876-8425 E-Mail | No |
OC-DCS-CAm-0012 Start: 05/08/2023 End: 09/30/2025 | MBE | DH Bolton, Inc. 330 Main St Hartford, CT 06106 | Dwight Bolton Phone: (860) 548-1757 FAX: (860) 548-1781 E-Mail | No |
OC-DCS-CAm-0014 Start: 05/08/2023 End: 09/30/2025 | No | Morganti Group, Inc., The 100 Reserve Road Danbury, CT 06810 Peoplesoft ID: | Edward Herndon Phone: (203) 830-3303 E-Mail | No |
OC-DCS-CAm-0013 Start: 05/08/2023 End: 09/30/2025 | No | STV Construction, Inc. DBA: STV|DPM 280 Trumbull St Hartford, CT 06103 | Carly Pleckaitis Phone: (860) 882-6500 E-Mail | No |