Connecticut StateDepartment of Administrative Services

Non-Profit Surplus Walk-Through of 25 Sigourney Street


You are invited to participate in a Surplus Walk-Through at 25 Sigourney Street.

We are clearing out 25 Sigourney Street and wish to give our registered non-profits an opportunity to claim.  

This walk-through should be done by those individuals in the non-profit who are able to make surplus claiming decisions.  That person should be registered with the State of CT DAS State Surplus Unit so they can complete the online claiming.  Each agency should only register with 1 person per time slot, but all deciding individuals for the agency should come during that time slot.

The purpose of this walk-through is non-profits to mark/tag surplus items their organization wants and, if possible, take them away with them that day.

How the day will work: 

· Once your agency arrives, you will sign in both with the guard and on the schedule sheet.

· Your organization will be assigned to work with one of the DAS staff (multiple organization are likely for each staff person).

· The tour will move from floor to floor where the items are staged.  If your organization is only looking for specific items (ex. chairs), please let us know so we can visit that floor first and can have you on your way sooner.

· organizations should bring (noticeable) preprinted labels to tag items for time-management.  

· On each floor, each organization will tag their requested items and stage them near the elevator area in a group so the grouping can be photographed by the DAS staff person assigned.

· Once the organization completes the entire walk-through, they will go back to each floor and collect the items they previously tagged.

· While tagging and dragging is happening, the DAS staff person will be photographing and listing the items to set them up for an auction for each organization.  

· The organization representative will ultimately be responsible for claiming the items on the Public Surplus system to complete the transaction.

· If the organization has the ability, they should take their items with them the same day.  If they do not have an adequate vehicle to move items on the day of the walk-through, they will schedule a return pickup date/time with Stephanie Snyder.

Examples of items available include, but are not limited to:
File Cabinets
Storage Cabinets
Office Accessories


Please note, if you are in need of systems furniture, let your DAS Tour Guide know and we can bring you to that area.

Please complete registration by 10am on Monday, Dec. 11th.  Thank you!

Class Date:  Tuesday, December 12, 2017

1st - Time Start:   8:30am        Time End:   10:30am

2nd - Time Start:  10:45am      Time End:   12:45pm

3rd - Time Start:   1:00pm       Time End:    3:00pm

Location:  25 Sigourney Street, meeting in the lobby.  Please sign in at the security desk.  Parking will be available in the parking garage (entrance located in the front of the building). Trucks and other vehicles which will be taking things that day can park at the loading dock at 555 Capitol Avenue. 



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