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Connecticut State Vehicle Feedback Form
Thank you for visiting our website. Connecticut Fleet Operations is committed to a standard of safe, professional and appropriate use of state vehicles, and your feedback on state vehicle use is important to us. Please take a few moments to enter your comments below regarding the driving behavior of a state employee using a state vehicle.

Please note that for tracking purposes, it is important that you fill out your name and email address correctly. After submitting your information, you will be emailed a link allowing you to track your comments. Be advised that completion and submission of this form will create a public record subject to release under Connecticut's Freedom of Information Act.
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  Comment Type Your Name First Last Telephone # E-Mail Address Contact Me Date of Incident Time of Incident Location Vehicle Plate # Vehicle Description Driver Description Details of Incident
Thank you for taking the time to comment on this website. The State of Connecticut takes safe driving very seriously, especially concerning use of a state vehicle by state employees. Your feedback is extremely valuable to us and all complaints are immediately forwarded to the user agency for review. All comments are welcome.
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