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SCP Solicitation Details
State Contracting Portal Solicitation Details

Organization Education, Department of
Project/Solicitation # 14SDE0009RFP
Solicitation Type Request for Proposal
Due Date 08/23/2013
Includes SBE/MBE Requirements NO
Qualified Partnership NO
Summary Systems of Professional Learning for CT Common Core

Contact Name Charlene Tate Nichols
Phone (860) 713-6757

Additional Description The Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) is seeking submission of written proposals, on a competitive basis, from qualified organizations to partner with CSDE in the design, development and delivery of a system of training as well as direct training that builds the capacity of Connecticut’s local education agencies (LEAs) to support and expand implementation of the Connecticut Common Core Standards (CCS) in English language arts/Literacy (ELA) and mathematics. The ultimate goal of the system of training is to build capacity that can be sustained and expanded through professional learning communities (PLCs), or communities of practice, within the state. Approved proposals will be supported through the funds authorized by PA 13-184 as amended by Sec. 1 of PA 13-247.

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