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SCP Solicitation Details
State Contracting Portal Solicitation Details

Organization Social Services, Department of
Project/Solicitation # Medical_ASO_RFP
Solicitation Type Other -
Due Date 06/06/2011
Includes SBE/MBE Requirements NO
Qualified Partnership NO
Summary Medical Care Management Administrative Services Organization Request for Proposals
  • The Department is issuing Addendum 1 to the RFP containing revisions to the RFP document, Exhibit E, Corrected Exhibit F, Revised Exhibit J and the 297 Q & As.
  • The Department has updated the Exhibits making exhibits H, I, L, D, J, and O available. All exhibits and appendices are embedded as hyperlinks in the RFP document.

Contact Name Kathleen Brennan
Phone (860) 424-5693
FAX (860) 424-4953

Additional Description The Department of Social Services is procuring an Administrative Services Organization (ASO) to administer the medical portion of its entire scope of health care programs. The Department’s behavioral health and dental health programs are administered by other contractors. The Department’s primary objective in contracting with an ASO is to improve quality of care and the care experience for our members, while reducing cost. Secondary goals include fostering change in local service delivery through the provision of performance data and technical assistance to support the emergence of medical homes and integrated care organizations.


Conference Date 4/19/2011 09:30:00 AM
Address 25 Sigourney Street
Hartford, CT 06106
Instructions To ensure adequate space in Mezzanine Conf.Rm 2,all interested parties will be limited to NO MORE than two (2) attendees. For building access and security purposes those attending are required to submit to the Issuing Office a list of planned attendees no later than 9:00 AM April 19,2011 The list of attendees may be submitted via e-mail or facsimile.
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